Hunting the Hummingbird - by David C Hoffman

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Daddy's home!

Last night David returned from another work trip, and we're so glad to have him back home!

The kids and I went to the airport to pick him up, and they were waiting so eagerly to see his handsome face appear...

Once he rounded the corner, they took off!

Up they jumped into his arms...

 ...and at nearly seven, it's clearly getting a little challenging for him to catch and carry them both =)

They were SO happy to have their Daddy back...

...and I'm thrilled he's home as well.

We're really lucky he's had these fantastic opportunities to travel for work. It not only broadens his CV, but it's great experience and it gives him a chance to wander/travel solo a bit (I married a gypsy soul =) ) without having to worry the needs of Little Ones =).

It's great to have him home now, especially as we enter our final stretch here in Kuwait. Three months and counting! 
My work has been nutty, Dave's work has been super busy, and the twins have been crazy as well. It just seems like there are not enough hours in the day lately, and I'm *hoping* for a low-key weekend at the end of this week, where we can catch up several things, including this ol' blog =).
February is SUCH a fun month to live in Kuwait, and I have a bunch of pics and stories I want to document for our family, as well as encourage anyone else looking to move abroad =). Hopefully I can get Feb caught up before March ends!
Inshallah, I will make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. I almost shouted for joy when I read THREE MONTHS.

    I know my joy comes simply and without complications of relocating (again) and saying goodbye (again) and reverse culture shock and all, but it's still just so amazing to me!!
