Hunting the Hummingbird - by David C Hoffman

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Friday, January 15, 2016


Last night the boy came down with a fever =(. Guess it was his turn. Poor thing barely slept last night and has been stationary on the couch ALL DAY today. 
That never happens, bless his heart.

Before illness struck us again, we had a good almost week of fun!

These two monkeys sometimes play video games upside down...

 Painting some Star Wars pictures...

Building forts with our couches...

Playing Trouble...
 (yes Auntie Nesa and Uncle Evan, the game made the trip with us!)

Looking adorable in the dugout...

Some coworkers of David's moved recently and passed along three GIANT boxes of kids clothes and toys, including some rollerskates and roller shoes...

...and some fun horses...

Big news around these parts is the first Lost Tooth! =)

My son joined me at the gym one evening...

Playing with some neighbor kids and their cool power toys...

Being monkeys!

We celebrated finally being fever free by walking down to play at the local park...

New floor puzzle from our friends...

And walking down to a nearby park on the beach to enjoy the good weather...

Happy weekend!


  1. Sorry "L" is sick. Hope he snaps back quickly. Besides that, though, this was a fun posting. First time to see the kids in their baseball uniforms. And the "monkey" shots are great!

    Love, Aunt Carol

  2. Luke's pose in the puzzle picture. Classic.
