Hunting the Hummingbird - by David C Hoffman

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Tis the season

Last week the kids and I made some simple holiday treats to deliver to the staff at our school.

I'm trying to instill in them that one of the things the Christmas season is all about is giving to others, and there are a plethora of people we see during our days that are so kind to us and we'd love to spread some cheer to!

We made several batches and delivered little treat bags to some neighbors in our building, our haris, the gentlemen who run the bakala next to our building, and tons of people at our school.

I love this recipe because it's super easy and a really delicious combination of sweet and salty =). 

It's easy enough that even toddlers can help create these treats! We made them when the twins were three...

When they were four...

And now when they are six =)...

Yes, we worked on these on our kitchen floor. Our counter space is so small, and our table is at the other end of the apartment, and since you have to push the m&m's in when the kisses are warm, we didn't have time to walk the seven mile hallway down to the kitchen table. Setting up shop on the floor just made the most since. 

Pretty proud of their handiwork =)


  1. Replies
    1. ^^^ These were supposed to be three hearts, but I guess the font doesn't cooperate. :-)

  2. Mmmmmm. They look tasty. Good job.

    Love, Aunt Carol
