Hunting the Hummingbird - by David C Hoffman

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

History in the making

Over the weekend we had Bahrain Tina and David over for dinner, and enjoyed yummy food and great conversation. 
(Not a single picture was taken...blogger fail on both Tina's and my part!)

One of the things we discussed was the upcoming U.S. election, so when they left David and I were feeling all political and decided to watch some of the speeches from the DNC and the RNC. 

I don't know if it's because I'm currently residing in a country where Women's Rights are so far behind so much of the world, or if it's because I'm raising a young daughter, but I was so struck by how historical this election is.

No matter your view on political parties, this is a great time for women in history!

Last month, there was this...

Nicola Sturgeon (First Minister of Scotland) and Theresa May (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

I read that tweet and cried.

Because AMEN.

And then there is the current Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party... 

...and cue more tears.

"When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit."

What a fascinating time to be alive and experience these monumental times that will create beautiful new chapters in history books.

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